Welcome to the Original Soundtrack of your Imaginary Game!

An asset pack of 6 original tracks, ready to use in your projects!


  • GB Studio - generated  .gb rom file to demo all tracks.
  • 6 original songs, ready to use in your projects - some even have  additional variants that sounded cool!
  • A total of 10 .mod files ready to be included in your projects.
  • A total of 10 .xm files  to experiment using MilkyTracker v0.90.86.

Tracks were written having in mind the real hardware - best sound is achieved there!

Put these tracks into good use!

Thanks for your support! 

 presented by

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorMr. V
TagsAsset Pack, assets, Game Boy, Game Boy ROM, gb-studio, milkytracker, Music


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this Imaginary Game OST you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

ImaginaryGameOST_26JUNE2021.gb 128 kB


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Hi Mr V! Thank you very much for the songs, they are amazing! I used some of the tracks for my first ever game project called "Fish Greaves" here: https://theguudknight.itch.io/fish-greaves I put your name in the game and the itch.io page of course :)


Hey! Thank you! Glad you liked them and you put those songs to a good use.
Will check out your  game!


Hey there Mr.V! Love your music and used some tracks from this album in my new game Bubble Frog :D https://timbojay.itch.io/bubblefrog hope you enjoy it! <3


Awesome! Thanks!


Awesome music!


Thank you!
Thanks for your support as  well!
Your pixel art is awesome!


Thank you for this, the songs are amazing! I used them in my game https://kingkelp.itch.io/rest

Your name is in it as well.

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Thanks a lot!
If you ever need exclusive tracks reach me out via email.


You are a blessing born on Earth! Thank you! You have saved me a lot of stress. Making the game is fun, making the music is a headache so I appreciate your work! 

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Thank you so much!
I'm happy these songs helped you.
Yes, writing music can be as complex as your own GB Studio project...!
Thanks for your support!
Reach me out via email  if you are in need of   a few exclusive additional  songs.


I will highly likely need that once I start my next project. So I will get back to you on that! Really appreciate this

I tried to check it out but I can’t hear any sound in my browser 

Hi, I'm using some of your tunes in my Gameboy game, they are amazing. Can I hire your services for originals songs for my game? How can I contact you? Thanks

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Thanks for your comments!
Please reach me at discord - Mr_V.

iuriguiao#0614 is my user, please add me!


 Can we use these in commercial games? I mean in a game I would intend to make some money off from


Sure! Go ahead! You can use these songs for any purpose. Thanks!


Awesome stuff.

"Action" and "Techno 90s" appear to be the same song though? Just a bug in the track selection or am I missing a subtle difference?

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Thanks! I'm glad you liked them.

I have tested both the rom  and the online web version and I think it's working fine.
Both tracks are different.
Perhaps they sound very much alike to you? :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Interesting. Last night they were definitely playing the same song, but today they're very clearly different. Files from the download match too, so I must have just run into a weird glitch. 

Edit: Yeah, seems like sometimes after pressing Left for action, if I do that before sampling "Techno" on A, the A button gets replaced with the "Action" song. Can't replicate it every time, so not sure exactly what's going on, but I don't think it's a big issue.

Great tracks tho! $1 is a steal!

Mmmh...let me check the source code again - perhaps I  have an issue when attaching scripts to buttons.


No, everything's fine...I  can't seem to reproduce what you describe...?
Hopefully the .mod files are fine :))).

Put the songs to a good use!


Yeah, the mod files are all correct/good, nothing to worry about there.